The Importance of Meditation

The garden is growth and change and that means loss as well as constant new treasures to make up for a few disasters.

May Sarton

Starting a meditation routine is one of the most fundamental practices you can develop if you want to gain control of your energy and learn how to quiet your mind to make those changes in your life. 

At its core, all you have to do is sit quietly and begin to observe the thoughts that run through your head. Focus on the breath, and these thoughts will soon diminish.

There are many techniques and spiritual ideals on the concept of meditation, from prayer to sitting quietly and connecting to your inner being. 

When I started seeing my therapist a little over a year ago and my life was spinning out of control, (it still is, by the way)  One of the first things she taught me was to practice meditation.  Joy taught me to sit in a quiet space in my RV or out in nature and close my eyes and observe the thoughts in my mind, acknowledge them, then gently let them fade like clouds and then draw my focus on my breathing; taking deep belly breaths to clear out that stale energy.  Imagining I am a tree locking my roots into the earth and receiving nourishment from the soil and bringing that feeling all the way through my trunk of my body and then imagining my branches reaching up to the sun and the heavens; then bringing that energy back to my heart center, while keeping the energy flowing.  As I stay in that state, I am connecting to my source energy, Spirit, G-d, or whichever feels true to me.  In that state of quiet, I allow myself to receive the divine downloads or inner guidance, and open my heart to receive the daily gifts that come through my door and find my point of inspiration. 

I can really notice when I am not connecting to my inner self- things tend to spiral.  The Holidays are always stressful, and when I’m not connected to Spirit, I tend to get caught up in the daily drama and spin out. 

This year we decided to meet in the middle and have Thanksgiving together in Phoenix, my daughter in Texas, my son and I in California and my granddaughter in Tucson.  I was so excited!  I haven’t seen my daughter in a few years and my grand since last Christmas.  We rented an AirBnB for the weekend and my daughter would fly out.  It was all planned to the T like I do. 

The day arrived and my son and I left as planned.  We made it as far as Bakersfield and the sun was beginning to set, I knew it was time to fuel up and start looking for a stay for the night.  All of a sudden a tanker came out of nowhere and pit maneuvered my little car and spun us into the traffic coming the other way.  I jerked the wheel to miss the other cars and we landed into a guard rail totaling my car.  We escaped the accident with only a few bruises.  I was damn determined to not disappoint my grandchild, so the next day I got a rental and we carried on.  Of course this pushed our time back a day and I still had to pick up my daughter from the airport; forgetting the time change from Cali to Arizona; my daughter had to wait until we got there, 5 hours later.  Holiday traffic.   We still had to drive 2 hours to Tucson to get my grand.  We made it to the BnB about 9 that eve and still had to buy Thanksgiving dinner, so off we went to the only major box chain still open.  Finally at 11 that eve, I could rest with a few glasses of red.  The rest of the weekend went as well as 4 people that haven’t spent any time together could.  The night before it was time to leave, I got very ill.  The next day my Asthma was in full swing with the coughing fits; every time I coughed, it would trigger an Asthma attack-about every 20 minutes and I was the one driving.

We made it home without too much of a hitch and I still had the rental car and my accident to deal with.  Three days later my kitty Kizmet became very ill and had to take him to the emergency vet and he had congestive heart failure.  I had to say goodbye to my special furry friend.  Since he was an orphan we gave him the same birthday as my grand.  He didn’t quite make it to 3. 

They totaled out my car and the settlement was just enough to pay off the car loan, leaving me without resource to buy a new one.  I am still off work due to my injuries and not much income to do anything else but survive. 

After the dust settled and after everything that has happened; a year ago, I would’ve been screaming at the Universe as to why is all of this shit happening to me?  Why G-d, why? 

I did curse a little, but, that silent nudging voice that I know, reminded me of how we were protected in that accident and maybe Motie didn’t belong anywhere else but here in his mountains where he loved to hunt and roam and I knew this is where his soul belonged.

After all the shit swirling around; I enhanced my morning connection to my inner being and I knew deep down;  and after all, I have been here many times before, that everything IS going to be okay.  The stuff that is happening is part of the divine plan of making the changes that needs to happen so I can be propelled into the new adventure that I am co-creating. 

It always seems to feel like I am being pushed to the very edge, and I wonder if I am being tested as to how I am responding to the push.  I kinda think it’s gonna happen anyway, whether we scream, halt our feet and try to hide in the walls of despair or we stay connected to our inner being and sit quietly in meditation, so we can hear the quiet voice of Spirit telling us  “I got you, everything is gonna be better than okay”. 

With Hugs and Hope,



Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.

Langston Hughes

I’ve been watching this show on Netflix called “In the Dark”    It’s basically about a girl that turns blind at about 14.  The scene takes place 7 years later, as she is 21 now.  She is basically a spoiled brat, drinks too much and doesn’t listen to anyone. 

I relate to this girl.  She is blind.  Maybe I am too. 

She has a guide dog, named Pretzel. 

When I came back to my old stomping grounds, I just knew life was gonna be an adventure again.  It certainly has been that.   I got the privilege of seeing my childhood bestie’s family from a time not so forgotten.

 Lost a very close father figure for me. 

When we arrived here, my son and I were very grateful and excited for new opportunities, for better dreams to come.  My son, spending some time with his paternal family; me as well. 

I needed to know that I was still capable of taking care of myself.  In the last 3 years; I have certainly done that. 

I found my dream job- A Park Ranger.  I even bought a 5th wheel trailer and moved where I worked.  A campground nestled in the Sierra Nevada Foothills.  Sure beat working in a cubicle somewhere

 A lake, boathouse, beautiful scenery and wildlife everywhere

My co-workers had been working here for 15-20 years or more, so I was the outkast…the newbie.  I have always been a little different, I get used to being someone’s novelty; so it didn’t really bother me at first about everyone wanting to know who I was and why I kept to myself all the time.  Until the rumors started getting vicious:

Who I dated, or presumed to be dating; male co-workers being too flirty, to the point of feeling uncomfortable, me being a  gold digger  and so on…..

I had been a Supervisor for 3 seasons, even “Covid Season” I’ve even experienced a brand new RV have its brakes fail and the wife flew out of the window and died.  It’s been a learning experience for sure. 

I am learning and growing you see.  I am not that 19 year old, sporting a kid on my hip looking for a father and husband any more.  I had to know I was able to take care of myself.   And I did just that.  Even with the bullying and name calling at that very place that was supposed to be my home. 

I wasn’t exactly a farm raised daughter.  I had to figure things out on my own.  All the men I tried to make a home with that had other intentions.  I was always told how to behave, and if I didn’t, how I was punished. 

It took a lot of years to break that cycle of abuse and trauma bonding. 

Now, I am learning the difference between walls and boundaries. 

I am also learning, even I can have dreams.  And those dreams can come true. 

With Hugs and Hope


I Live Like a Minimalist

Since I have been living my new lifestyle for the past few months and as I meet new people, I get asked A LOT what I do for a living and what part of town do I live?  I didn’t realize what an invasive question that was until recently, and I have a really hard time answering.


It usually involves a long and drawn out explanation of why I am in my current situation and I don’t really like sharing that much personal information with people I just met. My shortened smart ass  answer usually involved ” I am a content writer for Diane’s Thrifty Cupboard and I live with my family.”   Then I decided to just answer that I am a minimalist.  Of course, with further mental examination, what exactly is a minimalist anyway?  So, I dug deep into the depths of the interwebz and this is what I came up with.


A minimalist can be pretty much anything you want it to mean.  Isn’t society great!  It can mean you have no home or car and you carry all of your belongings in your back pack and travel all of the exotic places and live day to day as opportunities arise.   Or it can mean you have just enough personal belongings to live comfortably in your tiny house with your family.  It means whatever it needs to mean for YOU.  The most important part of minimalism is avoiding over consumerism and not being so attached to your belongings that it controls your soul.  That’s it in a nutshell.


History has shown us, we as consumerists have become so attached to our belongings that we will kill ourselves to try to keep it; It is incredible once you think about it.  Remember Dad working 80 hours a week, so his family can have the best house, car, furniture, clothes that money can buy?  That status symbol was ever so important.  I am pretty sure that is where the coined term ‘living like the Jones’ came from.


I think now, we are moving away from that mentality.  Being happy and content with our soul is much more important than that shiny new Buick.  Well, I hope so anyway.   Makes you really think how this is going to affect us globally.  Consumerism is pretty much what makes the world go round.

I kind of like being a minimalist. I certainly live within my means.  No income, no home and very few belongings.  I even think opportunist is squeezing in there as well!   I can be a hipster with my new millennial lingo and smoke my Vape. (Much cheaper than cigarettes)

I hope this has inspired some thinking on your part, and please like and share!

With Hugs and Hope,


The Light at the end of the Tunnel

Here it is, two days before my job interview.  I am a little nervous, so much is hinging on me getting this job, and the pay is exactly what I need to get a small apartment and live within means.  It is amazing actually, I don’t remember applying for this particular job; maybe someone upstairs is watching out for me.

morning commute

(Photo by Orville Snider/Getty Images)

I did find a car, another blessing in my book.  I paid cash for it and it runs like a kitten.  I even had just enough money left over to get it registered in my name. The money situation is getting snug, my fur babies are starting to look like little wookies, but they are fed and happy.  We all have a warm bed to sleep in and food for our bellies.


I keep working on my online courses so I can make something from this blog and website; with some hope and faith it will all come together.  Even though I am completely broke, I am in a much better situation than I was. Don’t ever settle for being abused.  Mentally, physically or emotionally. 


Every day I wake up.  Some days are harder than others, but I keep on trying and with a little perseverance I will succeed.

With Hugs and Hope


Starting Over-The Struggles are Real


It has been a little over two months since I left my bad situation, and starting over from scratch can definitely have its moments.  Having no car, no home and limited funds can definitely make things challenging.

For instance, where I am staying has no public transportation, so it makes it hard to get around. So I have been walking a lot!  Good thing there is a Wal-Mart nearby!  Finding a job is also very challenging with no car or public transportation makes my options very limited.  Don’t forget the bad credit that is slowly creeping up on me, since I can’t make payments.  Another nice thing my last situation has left me.

hot sun

There is also the challenge of living in another household.  I have my two fur babies, so if and when I do leave the house to take care of errands or do side jobs I have to rely on others to watch my pooches, and there are times I just feel like I am burdening them.  I run into differences in lifestyle, and that becomes a challenge.  I try to pitch in as much as possible without interfering with anyone else’s habits, or move things where they can’t find them.


I jump over one hurdle only to fall flat on my face with the next one right in front of it.  So, I pick myself up, dust off and keep on hurdling.  I try to take each step slowly and cautiously, sometimes I see a light at the end of the tunnel, then all of a sudden something snuffs out that flame, and keeping my head up daily just seems fruitless.  Staying positive definitely has its challenges and I am too stubborn to give up, so I keep pushing through and hopefully it will all work out.

taking the train

I finally got a job interview, now the next challenge is getting there.  And what if I actually do get the job?  How am I supposed to do the daily commute?  So, that means my next plan of action is to start shopping for a car.  Let’s see, I have $1200.00 in savings, what is that going to get me?  Well, as long as it has wheels and brakes and a motor, I will be just fine, right?

I am working on my online stuff too, there are virtual assistant opportunities and I can use my web developing skills to try to make a few dollars.  It is still trickling in, patience is a virtue that I am still working on.

focus (2)

No one ever told me life would be easy and it certainly isn’t, and I am sure each and every one of us has their story to tell.   But aren’t these challenges what makes life so interesting and grand?  And just think, when and I mean when I do finally make it, my story will be a great one.

Thank you for reading my rant, please like and share.  You can also find budgeting tips, surviving on a budget and DIY on the cheap at

When I feel like Giving Up

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade…..what exactly does that mean?

Inspire meI know we all have bad days, or weeks where we just lose our inspiration, or drive to keep going forward against all obstacles.  Sometimes those obstacles can be overwhelming and they just keep coming and coming and  you wonder when is it going to stop and maybe if you just give up the obstacles will just stop and just accept that you are a failure, and will never achieve greatness, and I will always be that person who settled and   I will just stay in bed.

moonBut as I lay in bed, wallowing in self-pity, I can see….I see the success, the life that I am fighting for; it’s right there….just beyond my grasp….  So, why can’t I reach it?  Why?

One thing that is good about those days of wallowing, it gives me a chance to slow down a little bit, reevaluate what I am doing, maybe there is a step in there that I am missing or maybe I am overthinking one particular area and not enough of another, and as I lay there, the light bulb comes on!  Thank you!


A new dayNo one has ever achieved their dream overnight. Everyone who is living the way they want to live, had to struggle, fight, starve a little to get where their heart and soul has fought for.  And that is exactly it right there.  You have to fight, and struggle (and hope some money comes in soon) so you can pay the marketing campaigns to keep your stuff out there.


lifeNo one ever said life would be easy, and if it were we certainly would not appreciate it.  The harder we work to achieve our goals, the more it is going to mean to us and that is what makes us so successful.  It’s not the dollar signs and the house and car.  It’s knowing deep down in your heart, you overcame all of those obstacles and nay-Sayers and that you did make it and it is your success!  And when you lay your head down every night, you can go to bed with a smile, because you didn’t give up, you succeeded.


I hope if you are struggling with a project, this gets you inspired, and please like and comment.

With Hugs and Hope



Tranquil Winter Nights



One of the great things about winter is the beautiful purple sunsets. Most of us don’t seem to notice, we are so busy with the season’s festivities; we just need to stop for a moment and enjoy one of Mother Nature’s gifts to us.

purple relax


Here are some ways we can bring in the tranquil night sky into our home and enjoy the ambiance of wintertime, by infusing the delightful scent of vanilla, with its warm homey sweetness, to invoke tranquility into your most hectic winter night.


Scented Beeswax Heart; Scent your favorite room with this decorative accent.  Use a cookie cutter to cut a heart shape (or any shape you like) from a sheet of natural beeswax.  Wrap the shape in cheesecloth and infuse it with a few drops of vanilla essential oil. Place the wrapped beeswax in a plastic bag for a week.  Remove and decorate the beeswax shape with dried flowers and a bow.


Vanilla Fabric Softener; Soften clothes and boost cleaning power with this natural fabric softener.  Dissolve 1 cup baking soda in 2 cups distilled water then add 1 cup white vinegar and 40 drops of vanilla oil.  Mix well then add ¼ cup to your final rinse cycle.


Vanilla Rose Bath Fizz;  Blend ½ cup baking soda and ¼ cup each cornstarch and citric acid in a glass bowl.  Add 1 tsp each melted cocoa butter and vanilla oil and ½ tsp rose oil.(or any other scent you choose)  Mix well. Slowly blend in 1 tsp rose water.  Pack mixture into molds, turn out on waxed paper to dry for 24 hours, then store in an air tight container.  Put one comforting and calming fizz in your bath.


body cream

Tranquility Body Cream; Your skin will love the nourishing effect of this luscious cream, just in time for winter parchness.  Start with a ½ cup of unscented body cream, contents of 2 vitamin E capsules, 10 drops of vanilla oil and 4 drops of rose oil, or lavender or any other scent you like; mix ingredients with an electric mixer and enjoy the softness.


Vanilla Sugar; Use vanilla sugar in place of regular sugar in beverages or your favorite recipe that calls for it; just place a vanilla bean into your sugar container and allow to permeate for 2 weeks.


Sit back and relax in your favorite comfy chair and bask in the warm vanilla scents as you watch the purple sunset fade into the night.

Thanksgiving; it’s all About Giving


The winter holidays are here again.  Leaves are turning, weather is getting cooler and it’s that time of year when our budgets feel the most pain.  Planning and budgeting for the holidays can sometimes be tricky; especially when you are the host of all the family festivities.

I have always been the lucky one to host Thanksgiving Dinner.  I have always loved doing it; getting up in the wee hours of the morning to get the bird prepped and stuffed, and getting the pies ready for baking- mmmm pies…..


I really do miss having all the family over; gramma wanting to help and getting in your way ,brother in law hitting the scotch a little too early in the day  and having heavy conversations with sister’s new boyfriend on politics and religion, which usually ends up in some heated argument.  Children fighting over the video game console; the pre-teen bored out of her mind.  Ahhh, family gatherings…….



This is the one holiday that we reflect on what we have; whether it is the big family gatherings or the not so big.

I was going to give tips on savings on the big T day, but I don’t really have anything to offer, nothing felt right. Sure I could post some great recipes or how to save on décor but I think I have covered that.  This is the one time of year we should be Thankful of our families, as messed up as they are and if Mother wants that certain family tradition dish, then make it.


Maybe I am being a little nostalgic but I miss the huge family Thanksgiving get together. Maybe this is the one time of year that we should throw that budget away and just appreciate what we have and give what we can give.  So many people are out there with so little, so maybe we should just appreciate our crazy families and feed them until their bellies are full and if we have some left over share with the not so fortunate.

family dinner

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and if you are able; share with the lesser folks, whether it be a soup kitchen or just donate some extra cans of green beans to your local church or food closet.

soup kitchen